The Weather is a Great Reason to Stay Home and Stitch!
Afternoon Betty & Co,
Have you seen the weather out there?!
Like any good Englishwoman, I’m typical in that I have to comment on the weather, but I have to say I love the rain. When you’re out in it and wearing a big coat and your hood is up, and boots are on, there is nothing better.
When you’re inside and watching through the window, it is snuggly and warm, and it feels lovely.
Its also a fabulous reason to stitch!
This week has been a little busy and trying to find time to actually sit down and stitch has been difficult, but those little half hours have been productive.
So… I’ve been working on the two releases on the Blackwork front, and hopefully they will be ready shortly. The first is a simply patter, ideal for beginners, with a bonus upgrade on the same pattern, for when the confidence kicks in.
The second is a little bigger and takes that confidence a little further, but will take your practice
into an area of competence and your confidence will be able to handle difficult patterns after this one, and i believe you will also be able to reduce your stitch size.
Both kits will be available as soon as i can get finished and photographed.
I’m also working on my final submission for a course I’m working on, and well as drafting an idea for a competition that I’m considering entering a piece for next year.
Meanwhile, we’ve been decorating, adding another parrot to our flock, looking after granddaughters, getting over a weird bug and a whole host of other life normalities.
Anyways, got to dash – got to get some serious stitches sorted!
Speak soon Betty.
Love Sam x